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Thursday, January 17, 2008


Fundraisers are a whole new ballgame for us when it comes to adoption! Yet this adoption is just a "whole new ballgame" all around, with such different "rules" than any we've done before. (In fact, I remember with Owen's adoption I commented to Pedro that wouldn't it be nice to at least have two adoptions that were similar, so we'd feel like we knew what we were doing?? But I guess this is meant to keep us humble each time we start again!)

Anyway back to fundraisers ... I think they are worthwhile and create a unique way for others who are interested in adoption in general or the adoptive family in particular to play a part in the process. However, they aren't something I'm altogether comfortable with organizing and promoting ... but since there's no one else to do it, here I am! That said, what I'd like from you is some input - ideas, suggestions, advice, etc.

We are considering a t-shirt fundraiser such as the one on the link below (another family adopting from the same rescue center in Haiti) - only our t-shirts would say "from haiti to home" like the title of this blog.

Or, the thought has come to me that I could finally compile my poems from our infertility and adoption journeys into a little booklet and any funds raised through the sale of those would go towards Ian's adoption. The only problem is, I have no idea where to start with printing something like that - not that it has to be fancy, but I just don't know who to talk to.

And as weird as it felt doing it, I did install the PayPal button in the sidebar for donations by anyone who might be interested in that.

All this to say, as I mentioned previously, any "ideas, suggestions, advice, etc." are welcomed! Let's see what happens when we all put our heads together ... (:


Anonymous said...

Stephanie, Soooo very excited for you and don't worry - -God will do amazing things!!!! Have you looked into or These are great organizations that helped us! Your poetry is beautiful -- you could adapt some of it and post on the Holt board ...classified ads esp adoption stories/poems that are non country specific. and have someone in US print them for you and ship them? You could also advertise these poems to the digiscrapping world who would love them (maybe you could find someone who is good at design who could turn some of your poems into a word art type thing for digiscrappers?) These are my initial ideas! So happy for you -- email me directly and we can chat! God gave us $48,000 in just 1 1/2 years so He is able - keep trusting and taking the next little step forward!!

Stephanie said...

These are great ideas! I would love to chat ... I just need to know how to reach you! (: