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Monday, February 25, 2008

For Those Who Have Asked

I have had several people express an interest in helping us with the finances of our adoption somehow, and wondering how they can do so.

This post is for those people.

Please, do not feel like I am writing it to each and every person who reads this blog … but in order to answer everyone at once, I am going to post some suggestions here. Again, these are just suggestions! - but I hope they will be helpful to someone.

6. Host a “baby shower” for the twins. Make it a fun time of playing games and hanging out with friends, but at the same time share the needs of the children of Haiti. In lieu of gifts, donations can be made towards the twins’ monthly support or adoption fees.

5. If you like to cook, research and host a Haitian dinner for friends. If they enjoy the meal, tell them they are welcome to donate towards the twins’ monthly support or adoption fees!

4. If you like to create, make a adoption- or Haitian-themed craft with the proceeds going towards the twins’ adoption; or, host a Haitian craft night for friends (similar to the dinner above.)

3. Give your friends empty (used or dollar store) baby bottles to fill with their spare change – blue for Ian & pink for Eliana!

2. Host a bake sale or yard sale or silent auction or Pampered Chef or Stampin’ Up or any kind of party with the proceeds going towards the twins’ monthly support or adoption fees.

1. Most importantly, pray and ask others to pray also for the twins’ safety, health, and a miraculously quick adoption process so they can be home as soon as possible!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Do you think you'll have pictures sometime? It would be fun to do one of these things and have some pictures to show people.