I don't have much to report in the way of news for our boys, but what I do have is great ... The latest news from Haiti is that both boys are doing "Fabulous!" And you can't ask for better news than that! (:
I agree, that is FABULOUS! :) I don't know if I told you but our nephew Stephen's girlfriend is in Haiti right now on a mission trip. He was hoping to go, but couldn't for some reason. We will see him this weekend in Michigan so I'm going to ask him about what she is doing, where's she's going to be.... My sil said that over the last year or so they both have just had this burden for Haiti and wanting to at least go on some mission trips to there. They just started college so who knows how the Lord will lead them. I thought it would be neat if she was going to be visiting any orphanages if she would be where your boys are. I'll let you know where she is when I find out.
This blog was created to chronicle our family's journey to adopt our fourth child, a little boy from Haiti. Long before knowing him, we chose his name: Ian, meaning "God is gracious." Along the way our journey grew to include not only one, but two little boys from Haiti!
Ian and Alec finally arrived home on January 19, 2010.
Adoption Timeline (From Most Recent)
1/27/10 - Home to Chile
1/22/10 - Passports (US)
1/19/10 - Evacuated to US
1/12/10 - Haiti Earthquake
1/8/10 - INS Approval - visa appt scheduled for 2/19
11/23/09 - Enter INS/USCIS
11/18/09 - Passports (Haiti)
11/09 - Exit MOI
9/22/09 - (or so) Enter MOI
9/09 - Exit 2nd Legal
8/09 - Enter 2nd Legal
8/28/09 - Exit Parquet
8/8/09 - Enter Parquet
8/7/09 - Exit IBESR
3/4/09 - USCIS Birthparent Interview (Ian)
10/16/08 - USCIS Birthparent Interview (Alec)
9/24/08 - Submitted I-600 & Orphan First in Haiti
7/1/08 - (or so) Entered IBESR
6/4/08 - I-171H approval
5/25/08 - (or so) Entered first legal
5/13/08 - Dossier received in Haiti
4/11/08 - Committed to our boys (Ian & Alec)
4/1/08 - Filed I-600A
2/14/08 - Received referral of twins (referral lost early April)
1/11/08 - Applied to Haiti agency, began dossier preparation
1/10/08 - First conversation with Shiloh's Haiti Adoption Coordinator
That's FABULOUS, Stephanie!!
I agree, that is FABULOUS! :) I don't know if I told you but our nephew Stephen's girlfriend is in Haiti right now on a mission trip. He was hoping to go, but couldn't for some reason. We will see him this weekend in Michigan so I'm going to ask him about what she is doing, where's she's going to be.... My sil said that over the last year or so they both have just had this burden for Haiti and wanting to at least go on some mission trips to there. They just started college so who knows how the Lord will lead them. I thought it would be neat if she was going to be visiting any orphanages if she would be where your boys are. I'll let you know where she is when I find out.
That is great news! Praise the Lord! I can't wait to see pictures of them in your arms! :) Praying them home, Julie
Thats fantastic! I hope and pray things FLY for you!
I love the picture grouping on the top of your website! Good job! Emma
hooray! my shirt arrived today!!!
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