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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Parable of God's Provision

Once upon a time here on Earth, there was a young family anxious to adopt their fourth child. The desire was there but the finances were not. And then, through several adoptions grants their dream of another child seemed poised to become reality. Only, the reality was not to be. Due to many different circumstances they watched as the door firmly closed on the dream ... at least for awhile.

Sometime later, the family regained their quest to adopt this longed-for child. Their journey led them somewhere they had never expected ... to the country of Haiti. And it led them not to one child, but to two. Again, the desire was there but the finances were not. Indeed, this obstacle seemed higher and more alarming than ever. Stepping out in faith, the adoption process began. Grant agencies were contacted ... and the family waited.

Once upon a time in Heaven, God watched the young family as they tried in their own strength to make the adoption of their fourth child happen. Lovingly, He listened to their tears and their cries when their own plans came to naught. In His sovereignty He saw beyond their narrow borders to a purpose far greater than their own. Patiently, He waited until the time was right to show them His plan, which was so much better than they could ever have imagined.

One day, the family received a long-distance phone call from one of the grant agencies. Encouraged by the news that they would receive a grant yet assuming it would meet only a part of their greater need, they were astonished to hear the words: "Paid in full." The words of the prophet Isaiah came to their minds as they remembered the truth that
“ ... My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
“ For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts."
To God be all the glory!


Rebekah said...

Does that mean what I think it does??

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful news! Praise God!


Kathy's Korner said...

Oh Stephanie I've got tears rolling down!! My gasp was loud enough to throw DH! Your journey to number 4 (and 5...if while in Texas we even had a clue)rhas just been such an amazing God thing. It is my own weakness that causes me to be amazed...but I am nontheless. God is so amazingly good!!


Julie said...

Praising God with you and for you! We love to see God at work!

Anonymous said...

congratulations!!! what an awesome answer to prayer!!!!


Carin said...

I am so thrilled for you... I am staying with my parents for the week & I just read them this post... although I cried my way through it... my mom always says to talk louder & it will help you not to cry, but tears our a good, happy thing for you & your family... thank-You, Lord.

Heather Marie said...

He is good ALL the time and in every little detail!!!

So excited for you all!

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful new. I'm so happy for you guys. Praise God!

Anonymous said...

That is so great. I am so happy for you all. We will keep praying that the process goes smoothly and fast!

The mom~ster said...

Over and over in scripture He commands us to care for the orphans and widows...and yet we often don't...because it is costly...your post reminded that God is a God of inifinite resources...and when we do what matches HIS heart...HE meets every need...

WOW...thank you for sharing this WONDERFUL news.

Anonymous said...

And all Gods people said AMEN!