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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hopes and Fears

Will they be happy with us? Will they cry a lot? Will they sleep well in a new place? Will they even notice when we’re gone? How will I handle leaving them? How long will it take for them to finally be with us forever?

So many questions swirl through my head these days as our departure for Haiti draws near. Last night, I read another family’s story of the one week they spent with their child in his home country and their subsequent tearful departure while adoption proceedings continued.

I probably shouldn’t have.

This morning I picked up my Bible and read Psalm 147. The entire psalm spoke to my heart, as it reiterates time and again God’s power and involvement in this world. “He counts the number of stars; He gives names to all of them.” (verse 4) If God knows the names of the starts, then He certainly knows the names Ian and Alec. “He heals the brokenhearted, And binds up their wounds.” (verse 3) My God is a loving God who cares for those who are hurting and weak. He cares for my two baby boys in Haiti. “The Lord favors those who fear Him, Those who wait for His lovingkindness.” (verse 11) Adoption involves so much waiting. But God favors those who wait for His lovingkindness … and what greater lovingkindness than the precious gift of these two children.

They are worth the wait. They are in His hands. I must continue to be faithful and trust!


Heather Marie said...

Stephanie, I am praying for you (and Pedro). I'm so very burdened for your family and for those 60, or so, little ones that are at the rescue center!

livingpurereligion said...

I wrote a post much like this a few days before I met my sweet children for the first time. There are so many questions and concerns leading up to the meeting, but once it happens... once you hold your sweet children in your arms... it all melts away in a moment that you will look back on and cherish for the rest of your life! I'm praying for you as you set out on this great adventure!

Carin said...

When I think about what you are doing... it not only takes faith, but courage... to go through what you have gone through to bring your boys home, it takes so much courage. Courage to open your heart up to the pain of being apart from them when you have to return to Chile. I don't know if I could do it, but something I can do is to pray, pray, pray for you! The saying "love shouldn't hurt"... love does hurt sometimes, but the love is always worth the pain... look at the pain God's love for us caused His Son & how worth that hurt was... the best love is worth whatever you have to go through. Safe travels.

Stacey said...

Give it to God and he will take care of the rest. It is in God perfect timeing. Yes the boys may cry, may not sleep, and may be shy. But will truly feel the love that you and Pedro have for them. God knows. He knows that you also have a move to make and with two new little boys it would be hard. Yes you could do it. But there is a plan that he has.
GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Our prayers will be with you and your family.
By the way it was great talking you to also. IF you ever need to talk just call or email.
Love Ya,