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Friday, September 12, 2008

Videos from Haiti

The following two videos have been shared on US media outlets, but for those who may not have seen them I will share them here as well. Please be advised that the second video has some very disturbing - yet real - images of the devastation in Haiti.

I wanted to reiterate that our boys are not in these hardest-hit cities, and for that we are so thankful ... yet we realize that thousands of children just like them are not so fortunate. The true death toll in Haiti may never be known, as many bodies were washed out to sea ... and the repercussions of these storms will last far into Haiti's future. Entire fields with their crops and livestock have been destroyed, leaving families already on the brink of starvation with absolutely nothing to eat or feed their children. This will affect every person - including our children - as prices skyrocket for the most basic of necessities. It is my hope that by sharing links to blogs such as the Rescue Center, the Livesay Family, etc. others will be moved to stay informed of this situation and to help in whatever way they can - whether by praying or giving or going, however God leads.

The second video can be found at the link below (again, be advised of difficult content):


Anonymous said...


Melissa said...

Wow, those films have really left me speechless.