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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Prayers & Dossiers

Tonight I visited the Rhodes family blog and enjoyed reading about their journey to their son in Haiti. I was touched by so many things: the blessing written by the father for his son ... the dinner they shared with their extended family which culminated in a time of prayer over their dossier before it was sent to Haiti.

Prayers and dossiers.

It's not the first time I've read of a family praying over theirs and though we did not "lay hands" on that huge packet of papers before it headed to Haiti, we have certainly prayed time and again and again for it since then.

It is our daily, constant concern and plea that God would see fit to hurry our paperwork through the maze of proper channels ... and yet there are dozens of others families just like ours who are praying the same thing.

May the Father of the fatherless see fit to answer this prayer today for each of His children ...


Salzwedel Family said...

I went to the Dominion House of Prayer in our town & people laid hands on our dossier and prayed. It was an amazing experience.

E-S said...

Wow, the boys have grown. They are gorgeous!!! I've been missing my babies a lot lately too. We are so blessed to have the children in our hearts. Now they just need to come home and be with their mommies... I was thanking God today that there papers will be signed this month. No, I haven't heard anything... I was just hoping to pray it into existance. (smile) Emma