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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy and Sad

The first e-mail I read tonight was from another mom adopting from Haiti. She had just learned that their daughter's file was released from IBESR and wrote to tell me and also to express that this news made her "happy and sad" because of others - especially us - who are still waiting.

I thought it was truly kind of her to think of us in the midst of her excitement. I, too, am "happy and sad" because I do rejoice with them and with any child whose file moves forward. We also received an update on our boys' paperwork tonight. It wasn't what we would have hoped. The e-mail said:
The news is that they are still holding to 35 years old and a presidential waver for every one with even adopted kids. We did get two out and it looks like three more may be out next week. No rhyme or reason which ones get out.
We have wished and prayed so many times that ours might be one of the files coming out when we hear that some are on the way. So far, it has not been. But we keep wishing and praying ... maybe next week. Maybe!


dreamingBIGdreams said...

I completely understand the "happy and sad" feeling. It makes perfect sense to me.

Praying for all of our kids to be home in 2009!

Terry said...

Stephanie, I am praying for all of you waiting! I keep hoping (and praying) something will change with this process.

I also love to "see" movement. It encourages me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. May 27will be 2 years that our dossier has been in Haiti.

alejandra said...

stephanie, es asi, cada vez q leo q alguna flia sale del ibesr me pongo contenta, pero enseguida pienso en uds, y en lo q les esta demorando todo!!!
un abrazo

Amanda said...

Just wanted to drop in and say that your boys are GORGEOUS and I've enjoyed reading about your visit.

As for the happy/sad feelings, I often wonder what it will be like when one of us waiting gets out...I'll be so happy for their movement and so sad as it wasn't us yet...but it's good news no matter what, because that means more room for us to go! :~)

I'm definitely ready for something to give. Definitely.