Almost from the time I arrived, Ian attached to me as "Ma-Ma." He is very possessive of me and squeals in anger when he has to share me with someone else. But the sweetest is when he climbs on my lap, pats my chest and says "Ma-Ma-Ma" and then lays his head in the crook of my neck.

In Alec's case, he took a little longer to warm up to me ... However, now he comes to me of his own accord to be picked up, and he will stay still and snuggle for a long time.

Yesterday I was alone with my boys and Charlene, and Ian was sleeping. I held both Alec and Charlene against me, rocking them and singing, and they both fell asleep. It was so precious. Alec had his two fingers in his mouth and he is such an armful. Charlene has stolen my heart ... [she] is so calm but when you do pick her up, her smile of delight just melts my heart.

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