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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This Is Why Haiti

Sometimes in the midst of this crazy wait to move forward with bringing our children home, I find myself silently wondering "Why Haiti?" Why did we end up in one of the longest, most uncertain international adoption processes that exist at the moment? Especially after already waiting unsuccessfully to adopt domestically for over two years?

Of course, when I look at my boys I know: This is why. They are why.

But when I read a story like the one on Licia's blog today, I am reminded even more clearly: This, too, is why. This is the future my children would likely have faced if they were not on their way to our family right now:

Please pray for Licia. Pray for Lori. Pray for the strength to face day in and day out the suffering they try to appease and often must simply accept. Pray that those to whom they minister would see the love of God in and through them, and for them. "Real Hope for Haiti" ... the hope that transcends this painful life with all of its heartache and offers the free gift of an eternal, joy-filled life through Jesus Christ in the next for those who believe.

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