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Monday, July 13, 2009

Tomorrow ... please PRAY!!!

Tomorrow is the day that the director of IBESR is supposed to give our lawyer his signed dossiers. (This is per a letter he provided requesting that she do so and signed by the President of Haiti.)
Please, please, please pray that this happens as it should and that tomorrow our boys' files will finally be approved and signed out of this office so we can proceed with the following steps.

Please pray that once we are released, we will fly through the next steps.

Please pray that our boys' files will not become separated as other families have recently experienced. (Please pray for them, too!)

Please pray that the FACE Act of 2009 would be quickly approved so as to eliminate weeks and potentially months of waiting ahead.

Please, please, please pray that our boys would come home miraculously soon.


Cari said...

i am praying expectantly!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Steph, have lifted your family up in prayer many times today. Waiting to hear good news!