Please Continue to Visit Us on Our Family Blog

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


If you look at the right-hand column of this blog, you will see a list of Haiti blogs I read regularly.

Some are blogs of people ministering in Haiti; others are of families in various stages of the adoption process. The order of the list changes according to the most recently updated and currently (at the moment of this writing) the two most recent posts are from families who have completed their Haitian adoptions and who are dealing with serious health issues now that their children are home.

Bo and Noah are twin boys, each of whom today underwent an endoscopy to determine the cause of ongoing tummy troubles since arriving home last year. Please pray for the doctors to find something that can be treated to help these boys get well.

Asher Calerbe arrived "home" mere days ago but had to be taken directly to the hospital, where he has been diagnosed with sickle cell. Please pray for him as he is in a brand-new country with a brand-new family and a brand-new language, experiencing all the pain and confusion that a hospital stay produces for a child but with little that is familiar to comfort him. Pray for his family as they seek to bond with him in the midst of these difficult circumstances.

Praying for healing ...

1 comment:

Kathy Cassel said...

Hugs & prayers for these families. I know Calerbe. He's a sweetie. His daddy and I turned our dossiers in on the same day in Haiti.