Internet access is very limited so I am writing a "book" in my journal; this trip has been a blessing but challenging in many ways as well. Even so, I am grateful for the company of my mom and her fortitude and servant's heart ... thankful for the hospitality of Barbara, Lawanna, Lacey and others with whom our paths have crossed ... overjoyed with our two precious little boys with their very different yet equally sweet and loveable personalities.
Ian has been sick with fever and diarrhea during much of our visit but seems to be on the mend today. Mom took a fall and has a bruised foot but we are thankful it was not worse and she is able to walk almost normally again. Many of the children are sick with just a variety of illnesses and so your prayers for their well-being and for the strength, wisdom and patience of their caregivers is much appreciated. Lawanna and Lacey have their organized lists and are dispensing medicine like a pair of trained nurses, doing a wonderful job as always.
At this moment, Mom is on nap duty with Ian and Alec back at our little house #11; they seem to enjoy three-hour naps just about every afternoon. I have Kennedy James at my knee and spent the past couple of hours holding Charlene; feeding Maki; and prior to that, Mom and I led a little kid sing with Sarah, Sophonise, Ian, Alec, Marie Grace, and whoever else was in earshot. The children are all so precious.
Thank you so much for your prayers ... please don't stop. The boys will not be coming home on this trip, but God has still moved mountains and we expect them home soon. No matter what we are reminded that God is good, all the time and we continue to praise and trust Him!
A Father’s Love and a Lifeline for Gilberson
13 hours ago
Thanks for the update! We will continue to pray for y'all. The Lord knows what He is doing.
Take care.
Daniel and Ruth
Stephanie, te mando un gran abrazo, espero que todos estén muy bien. Realmente siento que es tan difícil esta distancia. Me alegra que estés allí con nuestros hijitos y que estén mejorando. Desde aquí pidiendo cada día, protección para todos ellos.
Saludos a todos por allí , uno especial para mi pequeña Sarah.
Hi there! We are back home, but I just wanted to say a thousand THANKYOUS for your help when we arrived in Haiti. I was obviously distraught, I'm sure, but what a faithful friend you were to me (practically a stranger, but NOT)...I'm so thankful for blog connections! Everything ended up ok eventually, but wow...what a trip!
Glad to hear all is well with boy liked his naps, too!
Much love!
que bueno q estes disfrutando c tus bebes, son unos soles! todos esos bebitos q nombraste creo q se vienen a argentina no? vas a tener q veni a visitarlos!
It is so good to hear how you, your mom and your sons are. We will pray for the illness that is going around and the caregivers as they tend to the needs. Praying for full recovery for your mom's injury.
Lots of love,
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