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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Journal Entry: Thursday, October 8, 2009

The boys slept soundly our first night, even when at 2 a.m. Mom and I were woken by our fans turning off and we endured the next several hours sweltering in our airless sauna while trying to sleep and putting on Deet cream for the mosquitos that came calling when the air failed to keep them away ...

Yesterday (Wednesday) morning was spent mostly waiting for our turn in the clinic bathroom ... Mom and I chuckled about ... waiting for our turn to douse ourselves with well water from a bucket and perhaps flush the communal toilet with a "chorro" of water from the same!

Our meals are taken at Lawanna's and I've been able to observe many of the babies whose parents I know. It has been frustrating for me to be fighting a cold because I don't want to spread any more germs than the kids already have. The past couple of weeks have been filled with sickness ... Lacey is really a remarkable young woman and truly cares for and pours herself out for the kids. She keeps charts of who takes what meds, and when, and how much. She is much better at getting Ian to take his medicine than I am, and unfortunately since my arrival he has gotten sick with fever as well. It is scary and frustrating and I just long for my kids to be safely home.

Lacey with baby Bella

One (very) bright spot in the day was learning that the boys' MOI interview was completed a day early! Thank You, Lord.

1 comment:

-kate- said...

I fell SOO very blessed that my babygirl made your frontpage! :) I love love love this picture, and I am ever grateful that you shared it with me! Thanks so much for blessing me! I love reading your blog!