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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Journal Entry: Tuesday, October 6, 2009

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I wrote a "book" in my journal throughout this trip to Haiti. I will be posting excerpts from those entries for the next few days.

In Santiago, I was surprised when my name was called to the ticket counter at our departure gate for Panama. "We have a gift for you," the attendant said, and proceeded to change my seat to 2B - in first class! This has never happened to me before in my life, and a thrill of excitement made me whisper, "Is this You, Lord?" I felt as though God Himself was reassuring me that He was truly in this trip, and just to prove it He was going over and above by providing me this gift ...

I am sitting in the waiting area of Gate 33 at the airport in Panama. Our flight is scheduled to depart in just one hour, but the counter agents come and go and as usual there is a sense that time is not of the essence here. As I look around at the other waiting passengers, my attention drifts to the non-Haitian married couples and I can't help wondering if they are headed to Haiti for the same reason I am.

Before I even got a chance to finish writing that last sentence, a woman sitting with her husband across the way caught my eye and smiled, then came over to ask if I was Stephanie. She reads my blog and she and her husband are Argentines adopting from Bresma orphanage. They have four children at home and are adopting a 15-month old baby girl. This is their first visit to meet her, as they had to come sign for Judge Cadet according to the new ruling.

photo with Karina and her husband

Prior to conversing with Karina and her husband, I was listening to a couple of ladies chattering in Creole. I love the lilt of the language even though I cannot understand a word. In some ways Haitian culture is similar to Latin culture, with its energy and warmth. (More so Central American, I think.)

Going back to my conversation with my new Argentine friends, they asked me excitedly if it was true that I would be bringing my boys home on this trip. Oh how I long for that to be the case ...

1 comment:

Lizzi said...

What a cool "coincidence"!!
~miss lizzi