Air Mobile Joe
January 20, 2010 - Wednesday 7:38am (Haiti Time) - Bon Repos (Ruuska Village), Haiti -Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe I began setting up to write this blog at 5:15am. Got the coffee going, hooked up the computer, made the connection. Ahhh, finally a few moments to write my blog. Poured the coffee and then it hit.....the roar and big shake. John Goheen was sleeping - I yelled "out - out - out" - down the stairs / the whole village out of all structures / the look of shock / oh, no not again, they seemed to say. Well, it was the strongest quake since the big one. John's wife just sent a text stating it was a 6.1. My blog writing time has been cut into, so here is another abbreviated blog "Alive from Haiti". Yesterday was a banner day in the world of "getting adopted orphans out of Haiti". In our little world (Barb's village), we got out 6. Thru the kind generosity of Rick Hendrick Motorsports in coordination with Missionary Flights International 6 adopted kids flew to the U.S. This time, we sent Barbara with them. We call Barb "Rambo in the Blue Dress" because she relentlessly accomplishes her mission of saving children. Never seen anything like her when it comes to determination and pure grit. Barb has worked with Cindy and I for over 15 years and we are blessed to know her. After we dropped Barb who was accompanied by Sue, another missionary at the airport, we dashed to the U.S. Embassy to drop off more documents for Emergency Expedited Processing. By the way, the U.S. Consulate has done a SPECTACULAR job of working wiht us to get these kids to their new parents. Too many details to share, suffice it to say, they have truly gone so far above and beyond the call of duty. We just say THANKS!!
From the Embassy, it was back to the airport awaiting the flight. I walked over the Mission Aviation Fellowship hangar (I've worked and spent many an hour here over the years) and was visiting with the pilots when I saw former Senator Dr. Bill Frith. Quickly got the story. He landed, went straight up the mountain to the Baptist Mission Hospital and did 7 hours of surgery. Such a blessing to have men willing to come into harms way and offer their gifts.
The plane, a beautiful Saab 2000, a 45 passenger prop jet arrived and the excitement grew. The faces of those leaving - signs of relief and joy. The plane quickly deplaned with determined relief workers. We patiently waited.
One of the pilots (Stormy)
fell in love with one of our little boys. Soon, Barb and kids were on the way to Fort Pierce, Florida. My precious wife Cindy was there to meet them. I'm going to post this now. There is so much more that I want to write. I may get back to the report before we head into town. We're scheduled to p/u more Visas and hopefully, pick up Barb. The flight crew said they would do all they could to get Barb back. Well gotta run for now.
Air Mobile Joe PS - Thanks Channel 6 in Orlando for the interview! Joe
January 19, 2010 - Tuesday 6:38am (Haiti Time) - Bon Repos (Ruuska Village), Haiti -Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe Today, our team departs for the airport to fly 6 orphaned (soon to be adopted)children to the U.S. (photo above of twins being flown out today) / Yesterday was spent bringing as many water purifers up to speed. We need parts! Because we departed so rapidly (flew out only hours after the earthquake struck), there are certain components that we need to actually deploy. We are hopeful that the same aircraft flying the children out this morning will have the much needed parts! UPDATE 1-19-10 7:39pm - I received a text message here in Haiti from Cindy just moments ago - "ALL 6 KIDS ARE WITH THEIR PARENTS (IN FLORIDA)!" Praise the Lord!

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