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Friday, September 21, 2012

Postscript Four: Neuropsych & CoC

A brief update regarding a few areas in which we are currently investing time and effort:

Neuropsychological Evaluation -

We feel very blessed to have been referred to the Center for Developmental Adoption Medicine where we are working with Dr. Davida Harlem to identify and address our son's cognitive needs. It sets our hearts at ease to know that the full purpose of this practice revolves around adoption! Initially Pedro and I traveled for a lengthy meeting in which we were able to share our story and areas of concern for our son. Though we had already spoken of this many times together at home, somehow it was encouraging to hear my husband's perspective as shared with a third person. We felt very comfortable with Dr. Harlem and our son seems to as well. So far he has had two morning sessions of cognitive testing. Basically this involves intervals of question and answer times for as long as his attention span lasts! We are currently waiting to find out whether one more session will be needed, as Dr. Harlem organizes the results of his testing in conjunction with the results of his speech and hearing tests.

New Certificates of Citizenship -

This week we also sent off for new Certificates of Citizenship for Ian and Alec, since their names were changed via re-adoption. The process itself is fairly straightforward (fill out the form, enclose a copy of the court order and their original CoC.) Unfortunately it is quite an expense - $345 per child - but we feel strongly that it is very important for our sons to have every piece of paperwork they might ever need to validate their identity and US citizenship. Thus we took a deep breath, wrote the check, and sent off those original precious papers we struggled to obtain in the first place!

Hematology Appointments -

Bloodwork for both Ian and Alec revealed anemia upon their homecoming in 2010 and we have been monitoring it ever since. We hope that this visit with a US hematologist might clear up some lingering questions and it would be wonderful to be told that they are now at normal levels! Their appointments are scheduled for next Thursday, September 27.

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