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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Paperwork Worries

Remember those 2 1/2 hours spent at the notary and that huge list of paperwork that we rushed to the gentleman at the airport so it could all arrive safely at our agency in the States?

There is a possibility that there could be a problem relating to those papers having been notarized in Chile (not that we had another option.) PLEASE PRAY that this is not the case and that we can proceed without having to re-do everything.

Also, we are waiting for the doctor and psych reports and have to pursue legalizing those here in Chile - and contacting the Haitian embassy here in Chile. This is a first for anyone involved in our adoption, and we do not know how it will go. PLEASE PRAY for God to go before us and make our path straight through every government office and to give us favor with every government official!

1 comment:

Kathy's Korner said...

I keep shaking my head and just marveling at all the hoops you must jumpm through. It makes no sense at all to worry about were something was notorized IMO. Just so silly. I also remember willing to do what ever crazy thing they wanted us to do because in the end, it is all for the child. And worth looking at a bazillion ink dots for. I honestly did not know they still did that kind of thing though!