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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Let's talk about fingerprints ... again

I received an e-mail from the USCIS/Lima office this afternoon, stating that our fingerprints had been sent off on April 14 and they had received the results.

Pedro's cleared fine.

Mine came back unreadable.

I now have to schedule another appointment with the embassy (the fingerprint lady is on call and only comes in to do the prints, so it can't be just any day) and have them do TWO cards and mail them to Lima. Supposedly, I do not have to pay the fee again. I really hope they will eat the cost of shipping, too, because at $30 an envelope it really adds up.


I just want to hold my boys.

*Edited 5/1/08 to add: Today is a holiday, so I can't even talk to anyone until tomorrow ...


Tracy said...

Best of luck with those fingerprints. We are also adopting from Haiti. Let's hope for a speeding up of the process very soon!

Homeschoolin' hot-rodders said...

Oh wow! They use cards for your fingerprints? All of ours here were done electronically.they were able to tell immediately if it was readable or not. So sorry that is happening! Arg!

Kathy's Korner said...

Oh Steph I just want to cry for you!! How incredibly frustrating!!

livingpurereligion said...

How frustrating! All of these trials will make it all the sweeter when our kids finally do come home!!!

We're in the beginning stages of adopting from Haiti, too. Glad to have crossed your path on this journey!