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Friday, May 2, 2008

Adoption Fundraisers 1 & 2

Just a footnote on Adoption Fundraiser 1 (t-shirts) ... I will be sending the order in to the printer on Monday. If you would like a shirt and just haven't gotten around to ordering, please leave a comment on this post and I will add you to the list.

Adoption Fundraiser 2 is a poetry compilation entitled "Lyrics of Love and Loss: A Poetic Journey through Infertility and Adoption." This is a small paperback booklet (sample cover displayed below) of about 45 poems written by yours truly (: throughout these past 8 years or so. We are hoping to distribute these by means of volunteer friends who are willing to accept a certain number of the books and sell them on our behalf. If you are interested, please let us know via e-mail or a comment on this blog. If you share your e-mail in your comment, I will not post it publicly. Thank you so much!

1 comment:

klh said...

Hi, because of your blog my husband and I are seriously considering adopting a child from Haiti. We already have one child by birth, and we had planned on having two more by birth, as well. However, I have been reading your blog and thinking about the story in Exodus 2. In that passage of Scripture, Pharaoh's daughter adopts a baby out of the waters. Water is a symbol of un-created chaos in ancient Near Eastern mythology. The baby's name, Moses, was even meant to reflect that he was "drawn out from the waters." It says Pharaoh's daughter did this because she had compassion when she saw the baby in the basket. And because she acted upon her compassion, not only did she save the boy's life, but life abounded eventually for the entirety of the Hebrew people who were otherwise being forced to kill their sons. Life abounded in more new life. It seems to me that one of the lessons of this text is that when we act upon the compassion God gives us in our hearts, we become agents of new creation, we "give birth," so to speak, to life in the world where otherwise there would be death. I have been drawn to your blog, in part because whenever I visit I am moved by a deep compassion as I see the pictures, read the stories, and pray for your family and the children and families of Haiti. Through also being drawn to the Exodus 2 text (initially because I identified with the deep love of the birth mother for her baby - who, my heart breaks, she had to send away at 3 months...), and through the compassion God has been carving into my heart for these Haitian children and their birth moms who are so desperate for them to live - it seems to me that, as a family that has room for more children, the thing to do is to act upon that compassion and "give birth" out of the waters of the despair of uncreated nothingness where God intended life. We do intend to have at least one more child by birth, also, but there is no reason that we can't take in one of these Haitian children for whom we are so moved to compassion. Thank you for sharing your journey through blogging - your coming sons and your gift of life to them is already beginning to abound in more life! Thanks.