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Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Time for Growth

I read this on a Haitian orphanage site and thought it was such a great reminder tonight:

"Adoptions in general are a time for great growth. Many adoptive parents reflect on the adoption process as a time of joy, and excitement, and also one of anxiousness and anticipation. It is hard to wait patiently when your child is so far from home. One thing we have learned is that all things are done in God's perfect timing. God will use any anxiousness you may experience for good as you learn to lean on Him and wait on His will. Most parents will complete the process with a deeper relationship with our Saviour. The blessing of a beautiful child in your arms is a sweet conclusion to a time of growth as you draw nearer to the Lord."


Carin said...

That was good -- and just think of the testimony you will have & do have to share of the power of God's strength in you! Remember, it is all about God & the work He wants to do through us if we don't let our self (anxiousness, fear, frustration, confusion)get in the way. Still praying for you!

Melissa said...

Thank you for sharing that.