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Friday, October 10, 2008

Discouraging News (Or Not?)

*edited to add*
Kathy posted a comment saying that their orphanage did have two files signed out in September ... so not exactly sure what that means ... just more of the typical wondering and uncertainty of this crazy process, I guess!

Tonight on Alejandra's blog she wrote:
La antigua directora del IBESR, Mme Beaudin, tomò el cargo del Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales. En su lugar entrò otra persona, pero todavia no tiene su firma legalizada en todas las oficinas correspondientes, por lo que no puede firmar aùn ningùn expediente o dossier. Esto està sucediendo desde hace màs de un mes.....
Translated this means:
The former director of IBESR, Mme Beaudin, took the post of Minister of Social Affairs. In her place another person entered, but still does not have her signature legalized in all the corresponding offices, for which reason she is still unable to sign out any files or dossiers. This is happening since more than a month ago .....


Kathy Cassel said...

Our O. got two files out in Sept.

alejandra said...

bueno, esto fue lo que barbara nos comento cuando estuvo por aca en buenos aires. tambien nos dijo q uno de los problemas era q si la directora firmaba de manera diferente , le rechazaban la firma (quien firma de manera exactamente igual dos veces?)