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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Praying for a New Year's Miracle

Our sons' files are in the Haitian step of IBESR and have been for almost six months. Once they are released from IBESR, they then need to go through 4-5 other steps such as Parquet, MOI, 2nd legalization, and the issuing of US visas (not in that particular order, and possibly with an extra step thrown in.) If - and this is a gigantic IF - the files were to go through these steps in the absolute minimum amount of time (and I don't know anyone who has) then perhaps what I am about to suggest would not be such a miracle. But things being as they are, it would take a miracle of immense proportions for this to happen.

I hope to travel to Haiti at the end of March. What if - what if - instead of just visiting my boys, I was able to bring them home?? That is the miracle I am going to pray for. Obviously God is sovereign and if He chooses to say "not yet" then He must have a reason. But until then, I will be praying for a New Year's miracle!


Amanda said...

Me, too, sister...praying for a New Year's Miracle. It can happen. :~)

Stacey said...

We will be praying right alone with you guys for the miracle.
Love you guys.
hugs and kisses

Rebekah said...

I'm praying too. I cannot wait for your entire family to be together forever!

Anonymous said...

Que este año nuevo les traiga sus hermosos milagros! Feliz Año Nuevo!!!
Karin ( mamá de Maki D).-

Gods Love said...

Hannah's birthday is the 13th of March!
She will be one.
You will have to get pictures for me, Maybe one with a party hat on or something!