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Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This is the companion post to "Nervous" ... because as I said, there are actually many details of this trip to Haiti about which I am really excited.

Even though staying at the orphanage may be "roughing it," I am excited to live where my boys live and see life through their little eyes. I'm excited about watching them interact with their world and observing their place in it.

I am excited about having a chance to do more than just say hi and bye to the other children. I look forward to playing with them and getting to know them.

I am excited about interacting with the older children. I hope to have enough room/weight allowance to bring some craft-type items that we can do together.

I am excited to meet LaWanna, who is taking such wonderful care of Ian.

I am excited about trying to learn some Creole; but, I am also thankful that there are several English-speaking visitors currently at the orphanage with whom I can converse in English.

I am excited to spend some time with Alec's birthmom.

I am excited to spend some time with Ian's birth brother.

I am excited to celebrate the boys' birthdays! I look forward to giving them their little gifts and also distributing the small gifts I've purchased for the other children.

I am excited to be able to communicate face to face with our adoption coordinator and find our where our file realistically stands.

I am excited about taking bunches of pictures.

But most of all, I am excited about two very precious little boys who will be in my arms in just 13 short days!! :)


Kathy Cassel said...

I hope you have a wonderful trip, build lots of memories and spend some good time bonding.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you, Steph! What an awesome, exciting adventure you will be on. I'll be praying, and will defintely miss your updates while you are gone. I'm looking forward to new pictures and a realistic update from your meeting with the adoption coordinator.


- Heather Marie

Melissa said...

I can't wait to see the pictures and find out about your trip when you get home.

Melissa said...

I can't wait to see the pictures and find out about your trip when you get home.