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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Family for Schneider

There is a part of Ian's adoption story that I have purposely not shared on the blog because it felt overwhelming and sad ... something unexpected over which we had no control but which made our hearts ache every time we thought about it.

Or more specifically, thought about him.

Because, on our trip to Haiti in September, we found ourselves looking into the deepest, saddest eyes we had ever seen. They were the eyes of Ian's biological brother who had come into care after the paperwork for Ian and Alec's adoption had already been in process for several months. We did not even know about him until we were in Haiti, and by that time we were unable to consider the possibility of adopting him. Our homestudy only approved us to adopt two children and the wheels were already in motion for the two we believed God had chosen for us. But our hearts were broken for Schneider and we prayed that God would give him a family of his own.

As my trip to Haiti has approached, I have been burdened about seeing Schneider again. I even told Pedro to be prepared in case God made it clear we needed to adopt three boys instead of two! Mostly I felt that my heart was going to be truly broken if I spent time with him (as I will likely interact with all the children at the orphanage) and yet left him still without a family to call his own. But tonight ... I learned that Schneider does have a family to call his own! And not only that, but I will overlap one day on my trip with his new mom and will have the chance to meet her.

I am SO thankful to the Lord for this. Once again, He has reminded me that He "sets the lonely in families" (Psalm 68:6.) Schneider will also have a sister, as his family is adopting a little Haitian girl almost exactly the same age as he. Not only that, but his new family lives in Indiana and will participate in the annual Haitian adoptive family reunions, so on our furloughs we will have the opportunity to see him in years to come. (Ian and Schneider also have an older sister living with her family in Indiana, who participates in the reunions.) I can't wait to see these sad eyes sparkling with happiness one day!

Schneider, September 2008


Vashti said...

Oh my. I just want to snuggle him up. I am so happy that he has his forever family, and how great that you will meet his new mom. God is so amazing! He REALLY REALLY loves these kids!

Anonymous said...

Hello Stephanie,
I have been reading your blog for quite some time but have never posted. We are in the process of adopting a little girl from Haiti. I was wondering if you could provide the information about the gatherings in Indiana for adopted children from Haiti?
The picture of Snyder is precious. What great news to hear that he too will be going to his forever family. It is neat to see God answer prayers in ways that we could never have imagined.

stephanie said...

that is so great to hear he has a family. and, one you will even be able to meet! God is good!

honor22 said...

I'm so happy for Snyder. We think about him often.


Sarah k said...

OK.. that just broke my heart. We have something similar going on with ours. Except we are approved but Birth mama won't let the older one go. Long story will tell you sometime...

Sarah k