I am going alone for reasons of finances and family - no $$ for both of us to travel, and too soon after the transition to a new city/home/school for both Pedro and I to leave the kids. Also for the sake of finances, I will be staying where the boys live and not at a hotel like we did last time. Which means no air conditioning and no showers, and those who know me will understand what a stretch that is for me! So I will admit that while I'm very excited I am also nervous, especially about going alone. But most of all I just cannot wait to have my babies in my arms once again. Although from the sounds of it, Ian is pretty mobile these days! And his favorite word is NO ... so this visit should be really fun. :) Thanks for continuing to pray!
Cool beans!!!! :)
¡¡¡Que lindo!!! Felicitaciones por el pasaje, ¿ Viajan vos y tu esposo.? ¿ Cuando?. cariños. Karin.-
That is GREAT news!
So happy to hear of any progress and your visit with your boys. :) Will be eager to hear how it all goes. <3
Stephanie, I'll be staying at the village from the 11th-16th! I can't wait to meet you!
YAY!!!! SO excited for you. Sad that the rest of the family cant got but so happy for you. I will be praying for you! when we first moved here we didnt have a shower or hot water or a tap in the house! I know how you feel.
Have a blessed trip.
YAY!!!! SO excited for you. Sad that the rest of the family cant got but so happy for you. I will be praying for you! when we first moved here we didnt have a shower or hot water or a tap in the house! I know how you feel.
Have a blessed trip.
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