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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Meeting Family in Florida

with Great-Grandma Garcia

Ian with Aunt Terri

Ian with Aunt Raquel

Ian with Mom-Mom

Alec with Pop-Pop

Alec with Uncle Mateo

with Great-Aunt Rachel

(Not pictured but also met: Great-Uncle Abel; Great-Grandma Old; Great-Aunt Lani and Great-Uncle Keith; second cousins Tyler and Patrick)


mito said...

que increible como les cambió la cara a los peques! genial! a Dios gracias!
Oye, la foto por aparece ahi detras de tu papá, parece que se tendrá que actualizar con otros integrantes... jeje

un abrazo a uds


Erin said...

steph how nice you were able to see so many of your family!! how great for your sister and mom and dad to come! i'm so glad you had that time. praying today as you travel home!