Update: Today we have been watching Ian closely and he has seemed fairly stable - several wet diapers, drinking a little bit after each nap, eating a few bites of banana and applesauce. He is sleeping a lot and still quite lethargic and sad, but his eyes are clear. Yesterday when we were in the ER the doctors were aware of our travel plans and did not indicate at any time that we should not follow through on them, so they are still in place. Please keep praying for his comfort and recovery and thank you to so many who have e-mailed to let us know that you are doing so. We are blessed and encouraged by your prayers for our little guy.
He perked up after the treatment and came home, had a great night and a full wet diaper this morning. Now, however, he's been fighting eating and drinking (he did drink a little eventually) and he is still very lethargic and miserable. At the moment he is laying down for a nap just an hour or so after waking up.
We are scheduled to depart Miami tomorrow at 5:15 p.m. and arrive in Iquique on Wednesday morning at 4:50 a.m. local time (6:50 a.m. eastern US time.) We would really like to get him home and as needed follow up with treatment in Chile where we are confident he will also receive excellent care. However, we also want to be careful and wise and may return to the pediatric ER here in Florida later today if he does not seem to be improving.
Please pray for Ian's recovery and for wisdom to pursue the best avenue of treatment for him. Thank you so much!
Poor litttle guy! I had this several years ago and it completely wiped me out for weeks. Just getting up to wash dishes in the sink led me to taking a nap for 2 hours! Poor guy! Sending up prayers.
Oh man! That stinks. My four year had rotavirus when he was two. We did hte whole ER/IV thing. When they sent us home, I wasnt confident that he was improving, but we did ice chips and broken up pieces of popsicle and it somehow did the trick. I have been reading all the Haiti blogs on your sidebar and I am in awe of their strength, little Ian will be just fine!
Stephanie, ojalá todo siga bien con tu hijo.
Quiero mandarte una página en facebook, se llama "FAMILIAS MULTICOLOR", creadas por padres adoptivos de hijos haitianos.. quizas el compartir experiencias seria muy bueo. De hecho uno de los creadores es amigo mio quien adoptò a ALEJANDRO JESUS y viven acá en Concepción.
Un abrazo a tus 5 hijos y a uetedes también.
Javiera (JA del zocalo)
Poor sweet baby! Glad he's stabilized! Safe travels home, Garcia family!!! Praising God for your sweet miracles!
SORRY. That was me...my mom was signed in again. :~)
As an adult victim of RV, I totally sympathize with Ian!! Poor baby!! It is hard to deal with, but for me when it was over, it was over (and it only lasted 72 hours!!). We are praying for a wonderful family reunion and a blessed transition for the boys to living in Chile. We lareday know that they are blessed to be Garcias!! You are all in our prayers.
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