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Sunday, January 17, 2010

People & Needs, Part One

Julie - adoptive mom waiting to bring home Sousi and Sève. Here children have been found but they do not yet have passports or visas. Their son is not well and in need of medical care. Please pray that they will be able to contact the appropriate people and get their children home!

Licia - reports that the Rescue Center has suffered greater damage with every tremor and they are going to have to move it and her dad's house. This involves many children and adults with serious physical needs. Please pray for wisdom and safety in this matter. You can contribute financially to the Rescue Center through the Paypal button on Licia's blog; or you can do so through pitterpatterart which is offering a free key fob with every donation.

Tara - the Livesays are working very hard to set up medical clinics and earlier today Tara asked for prayer for two planes of doctors and supplies who were in the air without landing clearance. I have not heard the outcome yet. Please follow the Livesay's blog for updates and please pray for them as they continue to reach out in the hardest hit areas. Also, pray for their family as they are separated from one another. They were able to send most of their children (with US passports) to the States for safety with one daughter and niece remaining here (whose adoptions are in process.)

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