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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Talking to Lawanna

This morning I was able to chat via Facebook for awhile with the boys' former nanny in Haiti, Lawanna. She is back in the United States and recently visited with Ian's biological brother who is now named Isaac and who lives with his wonderful family (including two other new siblings from Haiti) in Indiana. She said Isaac is tall and skinny just as Ian is, so apparently their build is all in the genes! :)

It was so nice to talk with her and I felt like a proud momma sharing the latest highlights of their antics (both good and bad.) We will always be SO very, very thankful to the Lord for placing this special lady in our lives and most importantly, into Ian and Alec's lives while still in Haiti.

1 comment:

honor22 said...

BNB pretends to play with Isaac everyday. Actually, Isaac's nickname from BNB was LoLo. Glad to hear a bit of news about him.
