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Friday, April 4, 2008


Please pray for wisdom in the next few days/weeks as we wait for a final decision from the twins' grandmother. At this point it looks like she does plan to keep and raise the twins herself, and if that is the case then we and the agency will obviously respect that decision. If fact, going through this process has given us a greater appreciation of our agency and the ethical way in which they handle the placement of children. Their number one priority is to do what is best for the children and their families, whether that means finding an adoptive placement overseas or helping a mother get healthy and back on her feet in order to care for her child personally.

I can honestly say that Pedro and I have a peace that if the twins are not meant to be our children, it is because God has someone else in mind who needs us more than they do. It is also quite possible that in His sovereignty He knew that presenting us with twins initially was the only way to open our hearts to adopting more than one child at a time! (We are still talking and praying about this but having already prepared the paperwork for two children and the need being as great as it is, we will most likely continue that route.)

I share this with you to ask for your continued prayers, especially for wisdom, in the days ahead. I will share more information as it becomes available. Thank you for praying!


Anonymous said...

We are praying for you guys as all this unfolds. We are praying that God will work it all out according to what his plan is.

Patti said...

Stephanie & Pedro, You remain in my thoughs and prayers. I think of you so often - what an inspiration you've been to so many. Hugs - pep