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Monday, September 22, 2008

And We're Off

It's 7:20 pm, our house is quiet, everything is packed, and we should be leaving for the airport in about an hour and a half.


I just called our adoption contact in Haiti to confirm that someone will be at the airport to pick us up. I'm glad I did - they have been without internet connection for quite some time (and just lost power) so we would have been waiting around the airport in Haiti tomorrow for a loooong time otherwise!!

I will breathe a huge sigh of relief when we make it to our hotel tomorrow night with all our bags intact. We've got quite a load and I'm pretty nervous about carting it through two airports and wherever else until we reach our destination. I AM excited about all the goodies we have to share - clothes and formula and diapers and baby wipes and candy and toys and cute little yellow baseball hats with blue butterflies on top!!

I did read on a weather source that it's possible that some stormy weather might be headed towards Haiti again. Please pray that's not the case - not for our sakes but for the hundreds of people still suffering from the devastation of previous storms. Also pray for Jamie Ivey and her travel mates as they attempt to reach the Rescue Center with supplies and lots of TLC for her two kiddos there. Her husband recently wrote:
please pray for these guys! it will be a difficult trip into the village of Cazale. as you probably know, with all the hurricanes the past 2 weeks, the roads, bridges, and landscapes are almost completely destroyed. it is still raining in Haiti, so traveling into Cazale will be a combination of tap-tap (taxi), truck, donkey, hiking, and wading through rain water and mud. it will not be easy. it took Lori 5 hours to make this typically 45 minute trip a few days ago. i hear conditions are worsening, so please be praying for safe passage into the village, as well as passibility out of the village on Thursday. they are also carrying several (5-6) large 50-pound duffle bags of supplies through this terrain, so it could definitely be a tough trip.
Finally, THANK YOU so much for the love, thoughts, comments, prayers from so many of you. We are truly blessed to have such a caring network of friends around the world and we are so thankful to God for each one of you!!

1 comment:

Salzwedel Family said...

Praying for your trip! I'm praying we bump into each other.