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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rice and Beans ... YUM!

I love this picture for more reasons that I can say, but here is what Elisa told me about it prior to e-mailing the picture to me, which makes it all the sweeter:

Spanish: tengo una foto en la cual el niño del q te hablé le estaba dando de comer de su comida (arroz con frijoles) y él saboreaba con gusto, era re tierno verlos, tenían tanta conexion entre ellos q de veras te digo fue emotivo ver el amor entre ellos

English: I have a photo in which the boy I mentioned to you was feeding [Ian] his dinner (rice with beans) and he savored it with delight, it was super sweet to see them, they had such a connection between them that truthfully I tell you it was emotional to see the love they shared


ERIN lee said...

oh steph, how that must touch your heart to know that someone is loving on your little boy. what a great picture for ian to have later in life to know someone was there for him.

Melissa said...

What a great picture capturing their time together.

Katie said...

That is adorable!! I hope and pray that it is not to much longer Stephanie!